2017 News Archive
Oh wow, nine months?!? Well, it's been a while!
- I just realized I missed this sites 2nd anniversary by a couple days. On September 9, 2015 I started this site with grand plans of updating it frequently. Unfortunately that hasn't happened. I still update it but it's less than frequent. This is sad because I have some big plans for what I want to do on the site. Anyway, Happy Anniversary Site!
- On a more historic note it's been the year of natural disasters in the United States and the Caribbean.
- Through out the summer it's been hot and dry in the north western United States which has resulted in many, many fires. Since I live in this general area I can attest to the amount of smoke that has been hanging around.
- Hurricane Harvey formed on August 17, 2017 and dissipated on September 3, 2017. In it's aftermath most of the Gulf coast of Texas was hit. The hurricane dumped massive amounts of water and left widespread flooding. Houston was hit particularly hard. 71 deaths have been attributed to this hurricane so far.
- Hurricane Irma formed August 30, 2017 and dissipated on September 13, 2017 (today as I write this). Irma cruised through the British Virgin Islands and took aim at southern Florida. The Florida Keys were hit straight on and Irma travled up north into Georgia and beyond. The Keys took a lot of damage and there was major flooding in Miami. So far 61 deaths have been attributed to this hurricane and many millions are without power. Since this hurricane is ongoing I'm sure a lot of what I have stated here will change.
- Updated the navigation buttons at the top to make them a little more..."better". Wasn't happy with the old way.
- Fiddled with some internal Javascript stuff. It's nothing that anybody will notice as I added a way to keep the copyright notice at the bottom a little more current.
- Made some general design and content changes in the site. Too much to mention at this time. Did this in order to make each page look a little bit different.
- Added my first bit or real content. Under Tech I added my first computer. I feel like this is a monumentus step and I feel like celebrating. Or, maybe not.
Yeah, once again mostly superficial stuff but I do have some proper content coming...soon...I swear.
Dang if 2016 wasn't a crazy year with celebrities dropping dead and the crazy U.S. election. Here is to bigger and better things in 2017.
- Finally added images for banners on the 'links' and 'about' pages. Looks better than the silly text that was there.
- Added some more animated gifs on the site so things don't look like giant walls of text.
- Added a technology page and navigation to it. This will be the page that I talk about (mostly) retro computers, games and consoles. I do, however, reserve the right to discuss modern gear too.