Oh, my achin' back.
Good day, Droogies....
Hey, here's a hopefully short explanation of why the Inferno has been inactive for a month or so....I had to move.
I won't go into why....lets just say the house I was living in had a few structural flaws....but I will tell you that an unscheduled move SUCKS ASS!
You know, I didn't realize that I had so much junk. I mean, junk JUNK! You know how most people have useless crap that they keep just because it might have some kind of sentimental value? Well, I have crap like that too, but I found crap I forgot I even had! The problem is I usually hold on to stuff even when its useless, just because I'm afraid it might become useful in the future. I found an old Macintosh SE from 1987 in a closet for Pete's Sake! I had an old, old, MOPP suit in a raggedy duffle bag in my clothes closet! (I mean a VERY old one, too...I don't think it was mine and I have no idea where it came from!...A MOPP suit, by the way, is basically a chemical protective suit.) I even found a box of wires and cables that I have not the slightest idea of where they came from.
Then there's the junk I won't part with even if it is just taking up space. Beer bottles from various countries I've visited, my very first OD green wool blanket from my Basic Training Days (Why do I keep that thing? What am I, Linus from Peanuts?) and a box full of books that I've never read. There's even a stuffed Barney doll the guys from the barracks gave me as a gag gift when I moved out. (I hate Barney) The problem with that is all of this extra crap makes for some really heavy ass boxes! Since we had to move....and fast....it was only my wife and I to move this stuff. It sucked mightily, my friends. Had to get the phones and utilities switched, etc....and the most galling part was this move was hoisted upon me just when I had a cable modem connection installed in the old house. So naturally I had to get it switched over to the new house. And since nothing in my life seems to go as planned, it caused problems. Yeah, I wanted to at least make a token update to the Inferno, but it became nearly impossible when a million and a half pop up ads would appear on the monitor every time I turned the machine on. So I had to install a firewall which then proceeded to cause other problems. Mysterious lockups, virus warnings, etc. Didn't have time to fix these things because we're still unpacking.
Yep...still....because we ordered new furniture which ain't all here yet. So instead of putting together the old stuff we've been waiting for the new stuff so we can just toss it out. (Not the way I wanted to do it....I voted we take the U Haul and get the new stuff during the move, even if we had to get it from another store....but Mrs. Dante over ruled me. Guys, I'm sure you know the feeling if you're married. Its easier to just say "Yes dear" then argue about it, even when I'm 99% sure I was right. Hell, the fact that I'm still sitting in a room full of boxes convinces me I'm right.)
But there's also a good side to the move....we got rid of a LOT of stuff that was just taking up space. Primarily for me was the 200 or so VHS tapes that were just sitting there in boxes and in shelves. Since a lot of them were just episodes of TV shows that are easily available on DVD nowadays I took the opportunity to scrap them. Of course there's a downer to that too...I got rid of the VHS tapes...most of 'em anyway....but I haven't unpacked all of my DVD's yet...(waiting for my new furniture, including a new shelf/entertainment center) so my "Monsters that Scared your momma" roundtable review is late...and its gonna be later than I planned....don't know where I put the movie I was gonna review....
Well, there ya have it folks. That's what's been going on in the ongoing hell that is my life. Believe it or not I have to try and get dressed now by scrounging through some boxes to find some clean clothes. Moving sucks.
Comments? Email the Inferno!