
THE STORY:  Man, there was a time when a bad cop movie was actually good. Ok, there probably was never a time like that but I need a start off.

What can you say when the movie stars a lot of B-movie regulars and slowly unravels from something that kinda makes sense into something that makes absolutely no sense at all? We start off with Police detective Jessie Gavin posing as a prostitue and making an arrest. That's standard. Since Jessie is a female we have to establish that she can kick ass really good early. And she can.

We learn that Jessies dad is Richard "Shaft" Roundtree and that he's a former cop, now in prison, framed for a crime he didn't commit. Its a no brainer that he'll be back to settle the score. And given the type of movie we're reviewing its a given that some or all of Jessie's coworkers are involved in the framing of her dad. Its also a no brainer that Captain Underwood, the police chief is involved.

First of all, movie police chioefs do only two things...they yell at the hero (ineffectively) to make the hero...or heroinne seem like a rogue badass...or they offer support and are generally good guys. If the chief is a yeller, that means he's a good cop. If he's nice to the hero...or heroinne...its often a sign that he wants the hero or heroinne to back off a case because he's involved.

Guess which category this chief falls in? Would it help if I told you he's played by Charles Napier. (Napier's almost always a bad cop in movies)

Theres a sort of sub plot where a witness is killed while under police protection. This involves Jessie in a silly way. She's asked by Underwood to guard this guy at the last minute. The worst part is it doesn't matter. It really doesn't. Underwood goes through this speech where he tells Jessie she's under suspicion for losing the witness even though the cop she was with at the time, Porter, is so obviously guilty Helen Keller would have seen it. The only good thing to come of that is that Jessie's dad, Harold, is released from prison and teams up with Ray (Jessie's boyfriend) to get the real bad guys...

What a mess....its like the makers had the ingredients for a decent b-mvie but dudn't have the cook book. First off, I don't really know why Harold was in jail. He was framed, but since it wasn't expalined in any real way it was pretty hard to wrap my head around it. Add to that the fact that Braden, the bad guy, is nowhere near the level of criminal mastermind, the seeds of doubt are sown in the movies suspension of disbelief. Jessie is framed for a murder with evidence flimsier than a piece of toilet paper...and you have it. The rest of the movie is some really weak scenes with Jessie trying to gain evidence and a few fight scenes. Now Marjean Holden is obviously a decent martial artist. She's even at least a good an actress as say, Cynthia Rothrock (which means not a good actress at all if she couldn't fight)...but the fight choreography is clunky and slow and that takes the wind out of the action scenes sails. Theres not a lot of martial arts action and little detective work in this movie. Once Harold is released from prison the movie goes into full Scooby Doo/ Batman type mode. Conclusions that were obvious from day one become truth and the good guys track down the bad guys with ridiculous ease....I mean, how can you respect the cops at all in a movie when one of them even comments that evidence is missing from a drug bust? If its common knowledge wouldn't internal affairs know?

There nothing that can fuck up a good cheapo american karate flick better than bad fight choreogrraphy. Thats because we can put up with the bad dialogue, bad plots and silly setups, but the fights are what we came for. When they make no sense, well, the whole thing becomes moot. there were some okay fights, but nothing you ought to spend more than 50 cents to rent...oh funk dat, 50 cents is steep for it...there are 99 cent rentals with more karate action!

Now, Richard Roundtree's action parts weren't that bad...because he only had a few and he wasn't in them! But we can forgive Roundtree for it...this was a martial arts type movie and he's not a martial artist. I can comment on the box though...first I was pleased and suprised to see that Holden is a black woman. Really I didn't know that until I watched the movie....because her picture on the box is distorted enough to not make that obvious. Subtle racism? I don't know and I'm not going to start a hoohah over it. The box gave up too many other details. I knew that Harold would have a bigger part than originally though because of Richard Roundtree's pic on the box.

Best Lines: "Who's next?"- Man, thats a line that used a lot...but it was pretty cool here seeing a pissed off woman say it.

"Didn't your mother ever tell you not to hit girls with pipes?"-I could make a crude remark, but I won't...


1.) It never stops amazing me! And folks...this makes me think we should legalize prostitution in the movie hookers are always pretty damn good looking. I have NEVER seen a good looking hooker in the US! I've seen some damn butt ugly ones though. (not that I've required their services, good looking or not) But hookers in Europe? I hate to admit it but I've seen hookers in Europe that I would actually not feel bad about paying for a screw if I had looser morals. (and no I didn't do that....I do have some scruples) Why izzit that in cop movies the hookers are like models. It may be politically incorrect to say, but if theres a chick that looks that good...she doesn't have to be a hooker.

2.) Yeah...I'm sure Jessie is getting an award by the mayor and NO ONE told her. How does that work? The way the movie puts it Jessie could have not answered the phone, been home or just plain not wanted to show up. It was a really lame way to do anything in the movie and things could have gone the way the script demanded with better writing.

3.) Bad movies run on stupidities like this, but there is absolutely no way that Internal Affairs, the normal cops and Inspector Gadget would overlook the fact that Officer Porter left his post. And his only defense is his word against Jessie's. And Jesses was just given an award for heroism!

4.) What a fucked up police force. The killer didn't wear gloves...she did leave prints...and theres no real proof that Jessie killed Porter. Yet they arrest her? Theres no evidence! I only wish the cops would charge me with murder with such flimsy evidence! I'd be be able to sue them for a king's ransom...with Lionel Hutz defending!

NUDITY AND SEX:  Braden's female assassin is a babe, but not seen nude. Jessie has sex with Ray and her boobs are shown.

HUH?:  This makes so little sense that a hamster would laugh at its dumbness....Jesse is framed for the murder of Porter. Then Police Chief Underwood tell hers to lay off the case, even though its obvious she's being framed...but wait it gets better...Underwood tells her that theres very little chance that her career (read: job, good name etc) can be salvaged even if she's found innocent...and that theres a really really good chance....lets say at least 90% chance...that she'll go to jail! If I were in a similar situation I wouldn't even bother to talk to Underwood. I'd figuere I'm screwed anyway., Go for broke!

Man, I've got to this horse one more swift kick....Jessie tells Joel that even though she knows cocaine evidence has magically disappeared and even though its obvious that dirty cops are involved,...and even though she has photograghs of the said cops with Braden the said bad guy, she says that photos aren't enough. Well, honey, if they ain't enough how can you be under a charge of murder when theres no photos of it, and no physical evidence? Did anyone involved in the script even consider that or did they just assume we'd be too dumb to figure it out?

My Dear God...thats all I can say about it. During the night time dojo fight I there were a few parts that made no sense. How can Quint disappear and reappear behind Ray that fast? No possible way. But the part that takes the cake....Lynne walks in on the fight and she has a gun drawn. Not only does she let the bad guys just run away, Ray and Jessie make no moves to stop them from running away! What is this? A bad episode of He-Man where Skeletor runs right past the good guys and into safety!?

Jessie's plan was pretty stupid...because it assumed that Braden was really stupid.

THE FINAL JUDGEMENT: This movie is definetely only for b-movie lovers. If you can't accept the general incoherence of a b movie universe stay away. I enjoyed it but I can't recommend it, except for true enthusiasts. Unless you can pick it up for less than a buck.

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