The Base II

THE STORY: Man you can make a sequel out of anything these days. The Base? The first one wasn't all that. In fact it was pretty stupid. But this know even if I weren't in the army I'd be put off by it. Since I am in the army I downright hate this movie.

Lt. John Murphy is an undercover guy for the Army. In the movie he says he's working for Military Intelligence but it seems like he's working for the Criminal Investigation Division to me. So that's a strike already. They didn't even bother to work that little detail out. Now lets pick on his name...John Murphy? Hey, that was the name of Mark Dacascos character in the first movie only he was a major. So they couldn't even bother to come up with a new name for the lead character?

When we first meet Murphy he's undercover with a group of soldiers selling army weapons to a bunch of white supremacists. Murphy is found to have a bug on him and his cover is blown. A gunfight ensues and lots of things blow up real good. In the end the only survivors are Murphy and one of the guilty soldiers, Private Ramirez. At his court martial though, Ramirez is acquitted. The judges say there wasn't enough proof to convict him of anything since everything blowed up real good. (uh, then what was the bug for? You mean no one was listening ? Then why did Murphy have it on him?) That's just to stupid for words to truly express. But we'll see more impossible courtroom decisions as the movie goes on. You see, soldiers are ending up being found dead around a mythical army base (meaning one that doesn't exist, but was made up for the movie) and the army suspects that Colonel Straus and his squad may be up to no good. One of Straus's men, SGT Goose is implicated...his skin was found under the nails of one of the dead soldiers. Normally that seems like enough for the coppers to haul Goose's ass in at least for questioning but in this universe you can apparently kill a nun with a crowbar in front of witnesses and get of Scot free.

Murphy finds out that Straus is behind the murders. With his squad, Goose, Lee, Davis and Willets, they've been executing soldiers that have done something wrong but got off on technicalities. One guy they kill got off for raping a female officer so badly she was in intensive care for 6 weeks. The movie would have you believe he was unpunished because he's the son of a senator. But by this guy's own admission he did the deed in front of the MP's!!! Okay, so I'm going to believe that the Army Court Martial let this guy off of the hook even though he raped the woman, who was a fellow officer IN FRONT OF THE MP's? I don't care if his father was the president, this guy would either have been A) shot by the MP's if he was that dangerous and out of control...and harming another officer or B) He'd be in Ft. Leavenworth turning big stones into little stones. That's the part that annoyed the most about this movie, because I fear some yahoo out there might think a smidgen of it is plausible. Anyway, Murphy witnesses Straus and his Squad play "A Dangerous Game" with the guy and kill him. Yet...and get this...his superiors tell him he needs more proof! Hello...there's been a murder! What does Straus have to do to get arrested? Nuke City Hall? Put Children into meat grinders?

Murphy finally has enough when the next target is Private Ramirez. Ramirez has been honorably discharged and living with his father. He doesn't feel bad about the whole selling arms fact he's proud that he got away unpunished. That's when the squad bursts into his home, shoot his father and drag him out to the woods. Fortunately for Ramirez he recognizes Murphy and Murphy keeps him alive. Unfortunately Murphy has to kill Davis to do it. Still, he convinces the others that Ramirez must have greased Davis and gotten away, but later on that night they discover that he's really an undercover agent. Murphy is forced to fight his so called 'friends' and then go after Straus. Straus keeps an ear and the dogtags from every one of his victims in an ammo can and Murphy finds it. With this evidence he can put Straus away. (He knew about that ammo can for awhile too, so I wonder how this went on as long as it did...isn't that enough proof?) Straus invokes the villains last strike and attempts to kill Murphy whereas Murphy spins around and blows holes all in him. The end.

Only the movie Supernaturals pissed me off this badly before now. Its like the makers of this film got a few army uniforms and just made things up. No one in this movie acted like soldiers actually do...for that matter that matter they didn't act like people really do. Lee, the sole female member in Straus's squad was there only to eventually take her shirt of and have a sex scene with Murphy. She could have just as well had been a male. For that matter I wish she was. Because if she had survived (oops, did I ruin it for you?) she might have made the movie longer. Imagine the court martial scene where Murphy has to explain how he slept with one of his suspects...after he knew she's been involved in murder!

I'm so sorry I watched this. It made my head hurt. I can only tell the makers of this movie one thing. Don't make a third one. If you do I might show up with a real squad of soldiers and then we'll see how plausible this plot really is.


1.) Straus is a Lt. Colonel...why is he leading a squad? He should be in charge of a battalion or something, not leading four or five guys. And doesn't he answer to anybody? Isn't there a commanding general that the investigative agencies might want to clue in at this fort?

2.) Lee tells Murphy a big sob story about how she ended up in the army. She says she was down and out on and on drugs so badly that her veins had collapsed. She met Straus in the street in Atlanta and he helped her get her act together. Only...only if she was as bad off as she says I can't see her passing the entrance exam to enlist, and if her veins had collapsed could she really have passed the physical?

3.) How  does this work? Willets goes nuts and tries to kill Straus. He fails and so Straus has Goose and Davis kill him. (offscreen). Goose brings Straus Willets head in a bag! How do they explain that? I mean, Willets must have a family member that's going to want to know what happened to him. How doe you explain the fact that he's missing a head? Saying its a "Training Accident" ain't gonna cut it.

4.) I am so sick of this was in the first movie too, and it just makes no sense. The squad is training in hand to hand combat in a sand pit...bare handed, no pads or anything. Kicking the shit out of each other. Right. I've been in the army for years and not once did I train with my coworkers by beating the snot out of each other.

5.) Apparently the soldiers in this movie live in one of those old barracks like the WWII movies. You know, one big room with a lot of bunk beds. Man, I haven't lived in one of the since basic training. This movie should apologize to every recruiter in the military. I mean, kids will think soldiers really have to live in those things!

NUDITY AND SEX:  Lee is seen topless. She has sex with Murphy.

HUH?:  Colonel Howard, an army prosecutor is an accomplice of Straus's. He's the one that tells him what soldiers got away with a crime. But he's caught out when he finds that Ramirez is still alive. He sees him going to speak with General Gray in the Pentagon and hollers at first for the MP's to stop him. Uh, MP's? The Pentagon has its own police force, mostly made of a special branch of the Washington DC police Force! Folks there aren't any MP's at the Pentagon. (Its a civilian building!)

Speaking of Ramirez if he's been discharged why did he travel to the Pentagon in Class A uniform?

The Squad seems to have a lot of weapons but no one seems to have the standard army M-16.

I love it....No matter what Straus does Murphy is told that its not enough proof to convict him. Man, this is a stupid movie.

THE FINAL JUDGEMENT: I'm serious about there better not being a Base 3 unless they actually plan on making a decent movie. If its worse than this one there might not be enough demons in Hell for it. Because this movie is pretty crappy.

For Insulting the intelligence of the average human being and stomping all over the good name and integrity of the United States Army I now sentence it to the Infernal Stockade where it will be forced to forever be tortured by demonic drill sergeants. Now get outta my AO, Dog Face!!

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