Demon Slayer
Starring: Michelle Acuna, Howard Williams Jr., Adam Husds, Monique DeVille
Directed by: James Cotten Written By: James Cotten, Michael B. Druxman
The Story: Crap! This movie was pure crap! As far as entertainment value, this movie had none. If it had any less it would have entered a negative universe and began sucking our universe into it. And sucking is the one thing this movie did well.
Five troubled teens....they're given one last chance by the law to redeem
themselves or go to the big lockup. Clean up an old hospital to make it ready
for renovation as a Community center and the powers that be will let them off of
the hook. The only problem is the old hospital was also a brothel way back in
the past...a brothel where demonic ceremonies took place and people were killed.
Those spirits still walk and are trying to finally bridge the world of the
living to that of the dead. Sounds good, so far, huh? I'll admit it does. This
may be an okay cheapo scare flick.
Nah. It sucked.
We meet our characters with title cards pretty much letting us know the
extent of their personalities. Alicia: The Goth....Alicia has some
kind of psychic bond with the old hospital because one of her ancestors was
there or something....Claudia: The Bitch. I swear that's what the
movie says. Great description. Tamara: The Bitch's Friend. How low
on the totem pole do you have to get to be labeled the "bitch's friend".?
Tyson: The Brotha. That's how they spelled it too. Geez...this movie
ain't started and its irking me already.
I'm sure whoever decided to call him 'The Brotha" here wasn't even black.
Finally, Phillip, the Punk. and I don't mean the cool trype of Sid
Vicious Punk. I mean the annoying-I hope-he-dies-fast kind of punk.
The kids are sent to this old hospital under the watchful eye of Mr. Cobb. Cobb is there to make sure they do the job and deliver tough love...but he ain't even staying with them in the building. When they ask about him staying he says "Hell no...I got babies at home.". Sounds kind of silly, right.....I mean these kids might be a flight risk. They all have those little ankle thingies on them with transponders in them so if they leave the premises the police will instantly know....still you'd think someone else would be assigned to stay in the house and watch over them.
Then...nothing interesting happens for a long time. We find out some background on the bad stuff that happened at the hospital in the past, watch the characters get on each others nerves etc. Alicia sees visions but no one believes her.
know its hard to tell you what the movie was about because for one, I can't
remember if the demons were the old prostitutes from the brothel or the people
that came and killed them or whatever. But that's not the main fault of the
movie...that lies with the fact that the acting goes from passable in some
scenes to laughable. Take for example right
after Tamara becomes possessed. While explaining what happened to the others,
Claudia seems as calm as spring day. She's not shaking, she's not
screaming.....she's just there delivering lines as if Tamara....her best
friend...didn't just turn into a demon and rip Cobb's spine out of his back. She
says her lines with all the spirit and excitement of someone reading your
grocery list. I don't know where Claudia grew up but you'd think demon possessed
chicks ripped spinal cords out of people there everyday.
I'm not going to say the premise was bad. I mean, we've seen it all before,
but still, its not bad. I had high hopes for it, But the movie just doesn't
deliver. Its boring, which is the first mortal sin any movie can commit. I once
read a review about another movie by the brilliant Nathan Shumate at
Cold Fusion Video Reviews.
Nathan commented that people leaving comments on the
IMDb must be seeing the same movie he is.
I agree and this movie is a good example. As of this writing there are 5 user
comments on the IMDB about this
movie....all of them good. I found that dubious to say the least.
I chuckled to myself that only
cast or crew would say all of these good things about this movie. Then I saw
it...guess of them is from someone with the screen name of
Cottentale. Sound familiar? It
should. The movie was directed and Co-written by James Cotten. I
don't want to cast any undo accusations, so here's Cottentale's comment:
Cottentale (
Van Buren, Arkansas
Date: 30 December 2002
Summary: I found the movie to be very entertaining.
For a movie of this type, filmed with the budget allowed, I found this movie to be very entertaining with a good story line and very good acting. It kept your interest throughout with enough comedy to keep your interest and enough intrigue to keep you wondering what would happen next. Congratulations to the cast and crew.
Not to put too fine a point on it, but Mr.
Cotten was born in Ft. Smith Arkansas. Coincidence? Maybe.
You decide. But if this is from Director Cotten, I'm even more dismayed that he
found it necessary to write a misleading comment about his own movie like.
misleading by the way because (if indeed Mr. Cotten wrote the comment...I'm not
saying he actually did) its written to look like an average viewer wrote it.
Either way, the movie isn't that good.
I guess one thing this review taught me is that you can't judge the movies you like by comments on the IMDB...and you shouldn't just like you shouldn't let the Inferno pick and choose what movies you might like. Though I think you'd be wise to heed my Infernal advice. And my advice for Demon Slayer is to only see it under two conditions....1, you can see it for Free, and 2, you have an hour and a half of your life that don't mind wasting. any other circumstance will only bring you pain.
Best Lines: “No blasphemy.” -Father Enrique after a frightened Tyson screams out "Goddamit!".
“Its a baby carriage....from Hell.” -Father Enrique again, commenting on the fact that a baby carriage from Hell is approaching. Ever notice how you can add "From Hell" to almost anything to make it somewhat scary?
Are you kidding me?
1.) I'm not very forgiving if you ask
me about my opinion on juvenile offenders. I see way too many of them myself at
work. So I'm a little PO'd that the judge in this movie put up with Phillip
picking in his nose as an act of subtle, though gross, defiance when she's
offering him this deal. I wish the judge would just have said "Ok, Mr. Booger
Picker, you just got yourself a date with The Tossed Salad Man....screw the 2nd
2.) Stop the Presses! Holy Fish on a Stick! When the kids first arrive at the old hospital and start unpacking their bags, Phillip has a baggie of drugs and Tyson has two pistols which he starts loading. What the F***? Are you telling me these kids, who are for all intents in police custody on some kind of probationary assignment were allowed to come to this place without having their bags examined? Bull****! Who the hell wrote this? Did they not see how ridiculous that idea even is? That's like arresting a guy for smoking dope then locking him up in a room full of dime bags!
3.) Unfortunately....for the movie, that is....this dumbass-Tyson-has-weapons [unwrite] is gonna come back at least one more time after this. But now for the task at hand....maggots are in Claudia's cookie dough. She screams at Tyson to do something. Tyson immediately pulls out one of his pistols not only did he pack these weapons in his bags, he actually walks around this place with them while under custody? To make it worse he fires at the bowl full of maggot ridden dough. I say I think he does because there's no bang, no nothing. All we hear is the click of the trigger...and it ain't even that loud. The next shot is on the bowl sitting on the kitchen counter....I'm guessing that we're supposed to imagine that Tyson missed and shot the counter. (which is pitiful in itself...he's all of six feet away from it). This is pathetic. If the producers couldn't afford to get blanks or afford the FX needed to simulate a gunshot they could have cut the whole gun crap out of the entire scene. But wait there's more! Read on to numero quartos....
4.) Alicia takes care of the maggot dough. She walks over to it. pours a little lighter fluid on it...she just happened to carrying some...and drops a match in it. (uh, guys, why not just scoop the maggot filled dough into a trash bag...guys?) When Phillip then asks her what her crime was she says "Arson.". What? So not only does Tyson have LOADED (but apparently not working in a real world sense) pistols, Alicia the Arsonist has accelerants and matches on her person. For the love of Heaven didn't ANYONE think to search the bags of these troubled teens before unloading them in this place? I'd say that this is about the time the entire hoards of Infernal demons were screaming for the movies head, but it gets worse.....
Claudia actually had a good idea. She was going to chop off the dead Phillip's
foot and through his ankle bracelet (with one of those house arrest transponders
on it) out of the window to attract the police. But no one bothered to try to
use the phone. You have got to accept that there was a working phone in the
hospital....why...because Cobb said so at the beginning of the movie....he said
if you need me my numbers by the phone.
6.) Now its official....if you have the misfortune of seeing this crappy movie, watch for the part where Claudia turns into a demon....Tyson tries to shoot her with both pistols and all you'll see is a weak click from the trigger. (or hear rather) you can see the actress playing Claudia flinch as if she was hit by the bullets but unhurt. this movie had no access to blanks...or even cheapass caps from a cap gun to make the pistols go bang. Claudia fakes being hit but obviously there was no money for squibs either. Punk ass movie! How f***ing cheap! I mean, why not just rewrite any scene with Tyson and his guns if you can't afford to film it properly!? To be honest, this really makes me mad. The movie wasn't that great to begin with but the gun thing really mad me see red.
Nudity and Sex: Alicia is seen nude in the tub; Claudia and Tyson have sex. there may be other smatterings of nudity and flashback sex scenes in the movie.
I don't know how dangerous these kids are supposed to be. It must not be "very". After all Cobb walks with a heavy limp. He could probably defend himself well enough but he sure ain't gonna be hauling ass after anyone.
Father Enrique cut off Tamara's head with that itty-bitty knife. Go on and pull the other way.
The Final Judgment: I don't think there's much of a question where this is headed....
Demon slayer is found guilty of various movie sins. For its crimes The Inferno now banishes it to the Valley of Cold Biting Winds where frozen blasts of ice and snow will forever run up its Butt Crack.