The Exterminator

THE STORY: I've often said to people that if I ruled the world I'd have drug dealers, pimps and gangsters burned at the stake in public. I would, really. But we have laws for a reason, a good reason. Vigilante justice isn't the answer, but damn, it sure does sound good sometimes doesn't it?

John Eastland and his best friend Michael Jefferson are two Vietnam vets. They served together in 'Nam where Michael saved John's life. They work together in 1980 New York at a loading dock. A brutal gang attack leaves Michael paralyzed, and this is the catalyst that pushes John over the edge. John seeks out the thugs that attacked his friend and kills them. But that wasn't enough. John, you see, is plagued by nightmares and flashbacks of 'Nam. Though he seems pretty normal, you can see that he's not over his experiences. So he has a private jihad against criminals. Now, John isn't some Bernard Goetz, he actually goes after people that are really scum. He sets them on fire, shoots 'em in the groin, feeds them to rats, puts them in meat grinders...etc. John begins to call himself The Exterminator.

Det. Dalton is trying to catch the elusive Exterminator, but the government is also after him. They send a CIA guy to track him down. John's antics are embarrassing the politicians. When Dalton actually discovers the Exterminator's true identity John sets up a meeting with him on a boat at the shipyard. Unfortunately the slimy CIA dude, Shaw knows about it and has a sniper ready. The sniper kills Dalton, but John, wearing a bullet proof vest escapes. Is this the end of the Exterminator's crusade? I don't think so...there is a sequel that I'll have to get around to some day.

This movie is kind of dated, being about 20 years old. (as of this writing) But even with that age it has some pretty gory parts. Some people hate it, some love it. For me this was the first film I saw with Robert Ginty, the star of Warrior of the Lost world and Programmed to Kill. Ginty, was of course, the Exterminator. Steve James, who passed away in 1993 was his friend Michael. I always remember him as Kung Fu Lou from the movie I'm gonna get you sucka. Christopher George was Dalton...George also passed away from a heart attack.

Best Lines: "That "Nigger" was MY best friend, mother-[unwrite]er!"- John's first act of vengeance against the leader of the Ghetto Ghouls, the gang that attacked Michael.

"One of the ghoul's girlfriends picked out the M16 machine gun as the weapon the executi---Exterminator used when he broke up their party; the only way to get one is to steal it from the army."- Dalton searches for clues on the Exterminator.

"I think you have to take a s**t...its coming out of your mouth instead of your asshole!"- Dalton to Agent Shaw. He doesn't buy the politicians take on the Exterminator.


1.) This whole thing could have been avoided if Michael and John had called the police when they caught the Ghetto Ghouls robbing the docks. After beating the crap out of the Ghouls they wanted revenge...that's why they crippled Michael.

2.) Whoa! John gives Michael's wife, Maria, the bad news about Michael's injuries. Shouldn't the doctors being doing that? How did he find out before she even knew he was mugged? Its not like he told her "Michael's been injured badly" he told her that he was paralyzed for life!

3.) John's entire plan to capture and rob money for Maria from gangster Gino Pontivini was to wait in the restroom of a fancy restaurant, hiding in the trashcan. So his whole plan depended on Pontivini taking a dump. If Pontivini didn't use the restroom, John would've been hiding in a trashcan all night. Plus, how the hell did John know where and when Pontivini would be eating?

4.) How did John know Dalton's name? When Dalton and the other police wait in his apartment for John to come home, John spots them and calls on the phone. He refers to Dalton by name. There's no indication that John knew who Dalton was. Is he psychic? That would explain how he knew Pontivini had to take a dump!

5.) Geez...even in 1980 they made smaller flashlights than the big honkin' flashlight Dalton carries to look for John on the ship.

NUDITY AND SEX: A prostitute's boobs are seen.

HUH?: Why doesn't John wear a mask? When he goes after folks he is unmasked. I'm amazed that the same girl that told the police about the M16 didn't give a good description of him. If I was going to go after a bunch of crooks in the way John does I'd wear a mask of some sort. Not only because of the police, but because of retaliation from criminal organizations.

THE TALLY: If you like the idea of a lone man dispensing justice to scum, then you may like this film. I don't find it too violent in light of films made today, and I think it is probably Ginty's best role. It seems to fit him. Hey, I don't agree with vigilante justice, but I do agree that this film gets four devils!

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