
THE STORY: This is a pretty strange movie. I'm not exactly sure what happened.

Marty, Jenny and Chrissy are snowmobiling through the mountains on New Years Eve when they come upon an old lodge. Its getting dark and a snow storm is approaching so they must go inside for shelter. They find the lodge is not deserted but inhabited by a creepy old lady. The old lady and her sons feed the Windigo, a flesh eating monster, human meat. During the night Chrissy is abducted from the bathroom and fed to the beast. The next day Marty finds his snowmobile has been tampered with and accuses the old lady. He goes out to the shed to look for tools to fix it. The old lady offers some tea to Jenny, but its drugged. Jenny awakens in the basement of the lodge amid old newspaper clippings of mutilated bodies found in the area and a book about the Windigo. Horrified, she seeks an exit and opens the door to where the Windigo is kept. Just then the son who killed Chrissy comes at her with a chainsaw. Jenny lures him to the balcony and pushes him off. Marty wigs out and wanders into the woods. Jenny finds a shotgun in the lodge and kills the old lady. For some reason that makes her the new keeper of the Windigo. She finds Marty frozen or freezing in the woods and tells him she'll be back for him later. (to feed to the Windigo)

This was a weird flick. Maybe I missed something but I don't get it. Why is Jenny all of a sudden the keeper of the Windigo? Also it was too dark through most of the film. You really never get a good look at the Windigo, but it looked like a big guy standing in a dark room.

BEST LINE: "How can mountains be dangerous? They're so beautiful!"-Chrissy scoffing at the warning about getting lost in the mountains.

"You killed him! You killed that guy!"-Marty in shock that Jenny killed the guy chasing her.


1.) The instant Marty opens his mouth you'll think "What a f***ing jerk!"

2.) Ooookay...after Chrissy's "sex-with-her-tenth-grade-teacher" story I'm convinced that she and Marty deserve to die. They're both utterly annoying, shallow and worthless.

3.) Will someone light another candle or something? Its too dark to see anything!

4.) Why is Marty so shocked that Jenny killed that guy? He was trying to kill her! It was self defense!

5.) The scene where Marty cracks up is excrutiating....Marty's not that interesting of a character and since its been firmly established that he's a scummy jerk NO ONE FREAKING CARES ABOUT HIS PROBLEMS!

NUDITY AND SEX: None. The bath scene with Chrissy is so dark if they did show some skin you wouldn't see it.

HUH?: Jenny, Marty is clearly losing his freaking mind...why tell him where to get firearms?

Why is Jenny listening to the crazy old lady's drivel!? Shoot the old windbag!---oh...she just did.

Huh? Alluva sudden Jenny's hip to feeding people to the Windigo? What happened?

THE TALLY: Jenny is a pretty boring character. She spends most of the movie not saying a word and before Chrissy dies all she does is glare at her. (For that I don't blame her...Chrissy was only slightly less unappealing than Marty, which still makes her very unappealing!) You won't give a rats ass for Chrissy or Marty either. The monster isn't really shown and I have no idea how Jenny becomes the "Ghostkeeper" at the end. If you want to see a scary old lodge movie rent The Shining. If you want to see the Windigo find the old comic books where he fought the Incredible Hulk. If you want to waste an hour and a half of your life, rent this piece of Windigo dropping.

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