THE STORY: Young lovers Mike and Debbie witness a UFO landing. They discover a Big Top tent that is really a spaceship. It belongs to the Killer Klowns. The Killer Klowns go on a rampage, turning people into cotton candy, shooting them with popcorn guns and generally putting a lethal spin on most circus tricks.Teaming up with Debbie's ex-boyfriend, Dave, (a cop) they manage to escape the klowns and save the day.

There's not much else to say without giving up the hilarious parts of this movie. it wasn't made to be taken serious and thats why its so funny! I've been looking for this movie for two years!


1.) Officer Mooney is the guy who played Dean Wormer in Animal House!

2.) The killer klowns track people with a balloon animal hound dog?

3.) The killer klowns attack people in a drug store and spend a lot of time there trashing the place, but the clerk just stands there? These klowns don't look like normal clowns, and the clerk is scared so why doesn't he just leave!?

4.) The klowns turn everyone else into cotton candy but the decide to put Debbie in a balloon.

5.) Good grief! In every movie theres always only two cops on duty in the entire city!

NUDITY AND SEX: None. This movie didn't need it either.

HUH?: the Torrenzi brothers survived an ice cream truck exploding by hiding in the freezer.

You can drive a truck through the hull of an alien spaceship? wouldn't that be kind of goofy...oh, well, this whole movie is goofy!

THE TALLY: This movie is great! The theme song is great! I laughed my ass off! I have nothing else to say but go rent it!

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