II: Deliverance From Evil
Starring: Trent Hagaa, Charles Austin, Wayland Geremy Boyd, Debbie Rochon Written by: Tammi Sutton, Douglas Snauffer Directed by: Tammi Sutton
Let me apologize in advance, my droogies....Killjoy 2 is such an awful, crappy, terrible movie that it has escaped the thorough lashing I wanted to give it here. I watched this movie FOUR times and its so bad I just couldn't force myself to write more than below. I even considered watching it again in order to flesh out this review....but I couldn't bear it. This movie should NEVER have been made. Its an abomination. Its an insult to anyone that ever watched a movie. Its a curse on the unborn that may one day watch a movie.
The Story: There are so many evil, twisted, just-downright-wrong things in the world. Terrorism.....disease....Michael we really need one more evil? I guess we do, because somehow...and don't ask me how....they made Killjoy II. The original Killjoy was awful. I'm talkin' awful like having someone shove your face into a big fat cowpie. I was truly appalled to learn that a sequel had been made. But I'm a masochist so I watched it. And it hurt me. The only good thing I can say about the first Killjoy flick is that its better than this one. But that's about the difference of being hit in the balls by a baseball bat compared to being whacked in the nuts by a crowbar. One might hurt a little more than the other, but they both suck as options so what's the difference?
For those of you lucky enough to have never seen the first movie, Killjoy is an evil spirit dressed like a twisted clown. In the first movie he was summoned by some loser to get revenge on some thugs that tormented him. In this movie the clown just kill some people in the most boring ways possible.
It reminds me of Demon Slayer, another pile of crud movie. There are a group of juvenile delinquents herded onto a van by two cops, Lt. Harris Reading and Officer Denise Martinez. These kids are being sent to some far off locale to refurbish a building that's going to be used as a home for troubled teens. Not that it matters, they never make it to this location. What does matter is that not one of these kids looks young enough to be a juvenile. Why is that the same in a lot of movies? Sometimes it borders on ridiculous. Well, lo and behold, the van they're on breaks down in the middle of nowhere. Just so's you'll know, all of these characters are black, with the exception of Officer Martinez....I don't know if she's supposed to be Hispanic or what, though.. And since they're in the middle of nowhere one of the stranded delinquents gets shot by a mean ass redneck woman with a shotgun. She's then quickly dispatched by Lt. Reading who shoots her in the head from about 2 feet away. This guy is a cop? He didn't even TRY to explain to the lady something like "Hey, I'm a POLICE OFFICER! Put the gun down, lady!" or at least shoot her in the leg or something. Nope, he plugs her right in the noggin mumbling some crap about "Nobody messes with my kids!". I don't want to go into detail about this horrible movie, but up until this point Reading wasn't what I'd call a warm and fuzzy guy to the thugs in his charge. All of a sudden he's all pissed off about someone shooting one of these criminals?
Anyway, our "heroes" hie themselves to another nearby house in the woods where a voodoo lady lives. there "Ce-Ce" one of the two female delinquents tells the others about Killjoy, a spirit her grandma told her about. Coerced by another of the gang, she summons Killjoy with one simple rhyme. (Black magic....its THAT EASY!) and the evil clown begins wasting characters left and right while spouting pathetic one liners. In the Infernal review of the 1st movie I wondered why Killjoy didn't kill with Clown-Like throwing pies full of acid or whacking people with spiked juggling pins. Well, Killjoy doesn't do so in this movie either. He's somehow acquired telekinesis though, since he waves his arms causing people to cut themselves with a (pathetic, dull looking) knife, or fly backwards impaling themselves on pipes.
Killjoy II is painful to watch. Not one of the characters are interesting enough to care about and Killjoy himself is annoying. There's a different actor playing the evil clown in this movie (Trent Haaga) and I'll admit he has more pizzazz than his predecessor, but the character just isn't good enough to save this movie at all. The budget is obviously non-existent. Most of the movie is filmed outdoors in the woods in the dark. I know Full moon is famous for shoestring budget flicks, but in this case they should have kept the money.
Best Lines: “I hate sloppy seconds!” -Killjoy after using his wind up killer teeth. Don't ask....please.
Are you kidding me?
1.) One thing that can kill a movie....even a good movie....(which this isn't by any means) is shattering the audience's suspension of disbelief. Killjoy II manages to do that within the first fifteen minutes. There's no way I'm going to believe that any law enforcement agency is going to send FIVE criminal "teenagers", that are supposedly dangerous 200 miles away in a van with only 2 chaperones. These criminals don't have any of those little ankle bracelets on, they ain't handcuffed or shackled or anything. Its a recipe for asking one of all of them to skip out on you.
If this movie is to be believed its a wonder the world isn't inundated with evil spirits dressed up like circus clowns. Ce-Ce, an average chick from the 'hood, whose only experience with black magic is a conversation with her grandmother, summons Killjoy with a few hastily spoken rhymes. If it was that easy we'd be in real trouble. Imagine all of the life-sucks-goth-wannabe loser kids in the US alone that dabble in Wicca....they'd be calling Killjoy every five minutes!
The Final Judgment: There really isn't a punishment heinous enough for this kind of dreck. This movie sucks so bad it'll make you angry with your mother for bringing you into this world so you could see it.
Killjoy II is now sentenced to DEATH. No chance of reprieve, no last minute appeals. This pile of [unwrite] movie is to be executed immediately so that no chance of a Killjoy 3 is possible.
(Man if they make another one I might have to go all Billy Jack Beeeee-zerk on their asses.)