
THE STORY: This movie sucked monkey turds.

I'm not even sure what happened. Some idiot, Jensen gets his mind swapped with a criminal a'la Total Recall and he thinks he's on a mission for the CKS (I don't know what CKS stands for and the writers didn't deem it important enough to let me know) There's some virtual reality gizmos that are illegal going around that Jensen is supposed to be stopping/finding/making a deal with the crime boss guy...I don't know. the entire film is dull and dreary and so uninteresting that it was hard to pay attention to. To be honest, I don't care. I could probably figure out enough of this to write a decent synopsis, but why bother? Ultimately my opinion is to not watch this excrement on film.

Billy Zane is the star of this crap. Zane was also in The Phantom, a movie that even my wife hated. Mr. Zane is the most unappealing actor I've ever witnessed. It was painful to watch him. Its not that he can't act. He just repulses me. But that's my opinion. Maybe he's your cup of tea. If that's the case I'd watch him in a better movie than this though. Duprell, the evil CKS leader was played by Daniel Travanti, who used to be Captain Furrillo on Hill Street Blues. Christina was played by Kristin Cloke who starred in Space: Above and Beyond and Millenium. there's also a little weasel guy that I remember seeing on Babylon Five once.

Best Lines: I hated this movie to much to bother.


1.) CKS leader Duprell has a big honkin' office. Its so big when his aide comes in the poor [unwrite] has to walk about thirty feet to get to his desk just to say "He's had another disturbance!" Then Duprell pushes a button and another door opens. Dr. Vogel comes out and Duprell says "He's had another disturbance." (Groan) What's the point in having a giant ass office like that anyway? A furnished penis extension?

2.) Halfway through this movie and I'm still wondering what the hell is going on. by the time I figured it out I was so pissed I didn't care.

3.) THAT DOES IT! No more notes! this movie was filmed in convuloto-vision. It sucks Sasquatch balls!

NUDITY AND SEX: a little but you'll probably miss it.

HUH?: What is Megaville? where is Megaville? What year is this and why is all media outlawed?

Why is Duprell in a bed in his office? Is he dying? From what? Why?

Exactly what was Jensen's mission? Who is Newman?

Why is this weaselly guy in the movie?

What connection does Christina have with anything?

THE TALLY: This movie was actually so bad, I found it unwatchable. There's no entertainment value in it whatsoever. I'm glad I rented it though...because now I have the pleasure of sending it to the inferno where it so completely deserves to be...

For being the most incredibly dreadful, boring movies I have seen to date, I decree the name Megaville stricken from every stone, every sign, every video box! Henceforth it shall reside in the pit of never-ending enemas, and wallow in the devil's dirtiest, [unwrite]tiest toilet located in the Inferno!

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