Mirror, Mirror

THE STORY: Mrs. Elizabeth Weatherworth has a mirror in her house that contains a doorway to the realm of evil. She practiced witchcraft too. Her sister Mary killed her in front of the mirror. Its not that important...they don't go into it too much, but whats important is that the mirror has an evil demon in it.

Eventually Mrs.Gordon and her daughter Megan move into the Weatherworth house. Mrs. Gordon has problems...her husband died a few months ago and she's kind of unstable. The movers for the weatherworth estate left the mirror behind by accident and Megan takes a liking to it. Megan has problems too. Her mother pretty much ignores her and she's the lonely sort of teen that dresses in black and looks generally strange. Megan is tormented at her new school by Charlene, this flicks rich-bitch-with-big-tits, the kind that are usually in these movies, but befriended by Nikki and her boyfriend Ron. Megan eventually makes contact with the demon in the mirror and it gives her the power to take revenge on her enemies. You can guess what happens next. After Megan admits to Nikki that she killed Charlene with her mirror spawned powers, Nikki thinks she's nuts. But when Megan demonstrates her powers Nikki tries to stop her. Megan goes off the deep end for awhile but after the mirror kills her mother she tries to escape its influence to save Nikki's life. She fails and the mirror consumes her. Nikki makes a wish into the mirror "I want things to go back to the way they were!" but what happens is she finds herself in the past as Mary Weatherworth right after Elizabeth's murder...and Megan is Elizabeth Weatherworth.

That made absolutely no sense whatsover, the end of this movie. I think they didn't know how to end it and this was the best they could come up with.

BEST LINES: "Don't look at her boobs!"-Nikki to Ron when he comments that Charlene has nice knockers.

"I think I'd better go! I must be having flashbacks again! I was in Vietnam, y'know!" -Bill after the evil causes him to have hallucinations.

"Why don't you try to make something happen right now...like turning yourself into a normal person. That'd be good wouldn't it?" -Ron to Megan when she thinks she caused Charlene's nose to bleed by force of will. Man, how many times has someone said those words to me...listen kids...normal is boring! Be different!

"Sure you do...you just don't have a solution." -A teacher's response when Megan says she doesn't have a problem.


1.) Whoa! Its Yvonne DeCarlo! Lily from the Munsters! Someone cool is in this movie at least!

2.) Mrs. Gordon is thoroughly unlikable. I pretty much cheered when she bought it. But I can't understand why the director let Megan get away with telling Nikki her mom is a psychiatrist. They could've changed that line to make Mrs. Gordon a simple (and I mean simple) housewife or a fashion designer, a butcher, a baker...whatever. But she's a fruitcake! Theres no way this woman is a psychiatrist!

3.) Yeah, right. Charlene, the rich bitch of this movie has a father who owns an advertising company. Fine. But would he really make full color photo posters and an infomercial to help her campaign for student body president against Nikki? Do you know how much FULL COLOR POSTERS COST TO PRINT? A [unwrite]ing lot! Now if this movie was made, say, after 1992 or so, when desktop publishing and Kinko's Copies and other do it yourself graphics shops were in abundance with the latest inkjet printers, then Nikki could have her own posters made for chump change. But the infomercial? Give me a break!

4.) Charlene and her friends make fun of the way Megan dresses...(all in black, kinda punk, kind like a witch) but when I was in High School there was a girl I remember that dressed like that and I thought she was one of the coolest people around.(lets just call her Tina S....if she's reading this she'll remember her old buddy Wilsonstone and email me!) At least she was interesting...but the one thing about this and many other flicks is that all of the kids looks really good! Like models. No acne, no fat kids, no awkward kids...

5.) Charlene is such a bitch, so inconsiderate of everyone's feelings...how can she win an election for student body president? Have things changed so much since I was in High School that people like that are considered viable candidates? A nice body can only get you so far in high school.

6.) Funny how one scene in a movie can make things change for you. I had no problem with Ron until the scene where he makes a sandwich. Then I wanted to kill him.

NUDITY AND SEX: Charlene is seen nude in the shower just before her demise. but lets face it, her real reason for being in this movie was to be seen nude.

HUH?: Doesn't Mrs. Gordon have to [unwrite]ing work? She doesn't do anything but act like a crazy person...I thought she was a psychiatrist! Do shrinks make so much money that they only work one day a month or something?

Emelin (Yvonne DeCarlo) says she came to pick up the mirror, but she's dressed nice and by herself. How the hell does she plan on getting that big ass mirror out of the house by herself? Its a pretty big mirror, the frame is probably oak and it looks heavy. I don't think a woman in her late fifties could lift it. (maybe older...I mean, The Munsters were on TV in the sixties...DeCarlo was at least in her mid twenties then)

Is there any kind of lesson in the school of movie making that tells directors not to cast two actors that look a lot alike in the same movie? Jeff and Ron look so much alike I got them confused at one point.

THE TALLY: I guess it must be hard to write a scary movie about a magic demon mirror, because this didn't make a lot of sense to me. The end provided no answers and no closure. I won't say it sucked, but it was the next best thing. Not a lot joke capability either. The actress that played Megan is a WinonaRyder lookalike named Rainbow Harvest. Now, why do I get the feeling I should know that name? Has anyone ever heard of her before or seen her in anyything else? If so please clue me in by email!

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