The Omega Syndrome

Starring: Ken Wahl, George DiCenzo, Nicole Eggert, Xander Berkeley    Directed by : Joseph Manduke

THE STORY:  Some video boxes just flat out lie about the movie say the box for Night Force. (Starring Action Heroine Linda Blair! My butt) Some boxes just over sale their this one. Man, was this movie really made in 1987 or am I imagining things? Its rated R but it almost seemed like a TV-movie to me. With a little bit of rewriting it could have been an episode of Knight Rider or the A-Team.

According to the box OMEGA is a super secret organization, well funded, exclusive and utterly ruthless in its racist neo-nazi policies. When we actually see Omega at work it might seem like they have a lot of stuff going for them. After all, they're trying to kill Dunlap, a traitor from their ranks before he can spill the beans on them...but the only reason the Omega guys seem tough is because the federal marshals are idiots!

Omega has a plan to get Dunlap when the first attempt fails. They kidnap Jessie Corbett, 13 year old daughter of Vietnam vet now freelance journalist Jack Corbett. Jack, a widower, is definitely upset and his rich doctor father in law doesn't pull any punches when somehow blaming the kidnapping on Jack. So just like the Box says Jack gets his old 'Nam buddy, Philly Horton, an arms dealer now, to help him find his daughter.

Its around this point when you'll ask yourself how come the cop handling the case, Detective Milnor (Doug McClure) didn't figure out the connection a little sooner. You see, the rich doctor father in law is being blackmailed by Omega...they want him to kill Dunlap who is in the security wing of the hospital after the first attempt on his life. I mean, didn't Milnor figure out that the Corbett's have no other connection with Omega? At any rate its a daring plan for Omega since they seem to have only one member, Karl, that bathes regularly or actually seems to have any money.

The box claims that Jack and Philly conduct a commando style raid on Omega, one that "will push them to the very brink of destruction". Whoever wrote that must have been watching a different movie than I was. I wasn't too far off when comparing this to an episode of the A-Team. Jack and Philly defeat Omega without getting a scratch. It was kind of hard to feel any excitement in any of it because Omega didn't seem to have any real agenda except "We're racist neo nazis!" and they weren't even scary neo-nazis. (Okay, they were better than the nazis in the movie Skinheads, but they don't compare to the ones in Romper Stomper) I don't think this video box lied, but what's inside definitely isn't as exciting as what's written on the box. Oh well...Xander Berkeley plays a twitchy Omega member that you know is just one can short of a six pack...and watch for Colm Meaney's small part.

Best Lines: "What, are you running for Fuhrer?"-Philly makes fun of Karl's nazi views.


1.) Why would the cops make a deal with a scumbag like Dunlap until they had the info they wanted? To make it worse, the men guarding Dunlap have the reasoning power of an onion. After the bad guys pull away from the towed vehicle wouldn't a reasonably intelligent person think "BOMB"?

2.) I don't even know how to mention this...Jack's a writer, right? Well he types slower than I do....and I'm a two fingered typist! And the funny part is that the while he types we hear his voice telling us what he's the same speed he types it in! So if Jack were type "I really like sardines" it would be like "". Now imagine listening to a plot point like that.

3.) WHOA! Unexpected! Colm "Chief O'Brien" Meaney as one of the bad guys! Considering the time that this movie was made I wonder if its his first film appearance! I'll have to ask Liz at And You Call Yourself A Scientist if it counts as maybe a Skeleton In The Closet.

4.) Karl sure rolled over pretty quick for a guy that just finished bragging about how he wasn't afraid to die.


HUH?:  Philly tells the one thug he'll stick his "AR-15 where the sun don't shine"....I'm no firearm expert, but Philly's gonna have a hard time doing that unless an AR-15 and an M-16 are the same weapon.

Why are the police not able to catch the Omega guys? They look like a bunch of unwashed bums and they live in an abandoned warehouse! How hard can that be to track down?

So how can Omega be 'secret' when it looks like they randomly gun down interracial couples on the streets. Or was that just a once in awhile thing?

Detective Milnor tells Jack and Philly to get out of sight as the police arrive at the omega's hideout...this happens all of the time in these types of movies. But if he lets Jack and Philly go how is he going to explain to his superiors what happened?

Why does Ken Wahl make me think they couldn't get Michael Pare' for this flick?

THE FINAL JUDGMENT: Its a risk I have to take in the Inferno. Sometimes the hype on the box is just hype....oh, shoot....most of the time its just hype! Well, the movie wasn't too bad, but wasn't real exciting either. I can't say it'll appeal to action movie fans too much. Your personal mileage may vary.

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