Operation Cobra

THE STORY: The name "Operation Cobra" has nothing to do with anything that ever happens in this movie. Oh. well, you will see a cobra, but its not like the movie was named after him. No, my droogies, this flick was given this name merely to sound "cool". I'm not saying that you won't enjoy watching it....the contrary in fact. You don't rent a movie starring Don "The Dragon" Wilson expecting a masterpiece. Especially a movie produced by Roger Corman. No, my droogs, you expect a lot of fights. I have to admit I have an admiration for Don. first off, we share the same last name, indicating his fine lineage....secondly he does kick some ass in his movies. He's likable. He's no Oscar winning actor but he does have an amiable onscreen persona.

Don plays Interpol agent Kyle Conners. Conners wants the ass of international bad guy Johann Davaad really bad. Davaad blew up a museum that had Conners' partner, Trevor in it. Conners follows Davaad to India despite being pulled from the case. The whole "pulled from the case" thing is pretty old isn't it? In essence Conner's boss tells him that Davaad is no longer his concern, blah, blah, blah. But we all know Conners is going to go after him. We all know that he will suffer little or no repercussions for disobeying orders. I wonder why they even put that scene in. They could have used the time to show more of Indian culture which at least is interesting!

Soon after he arrives in the country of India, Conners finds himself under attack by unknown assailants. He beats the [unwrite] out of them, but is arrested by the police. Indian Police officer Ravi (I want to note that it sounds like they call him "Doggie" sometimes.) is assigned to take Conners to the airport and se that he leaves India. Along the way a hot babe is being chased by thugs. Ravi and Conners intervene and beat up the bad guys, but the girl runs away...only to show up in Conner's room later that day. The girl is Shalimar, the beautiful daughter of an arms merchant named Grayson. As the movie progresses we'll learn that Shalimar is a rebellious sort of child and her father merely sent thugs after her to bring her back home. Being a gentleman, Conners sends her on her way instead of doing the wild thing. (Dummy!) Ravi lies to his boss and allows Conners to stay in India for 36 more hours.

But we haven't seen enough ass-kicking! In order to equalize this Conners meets many thugs, some working for Shalimar's dad, some sent for him by Davaad's boss. Oh, I almost forgot. We also need boobies. These are supplied by Callista Sinclair, a British secret agent. Conner becomes involved with her, but soon realizes that he's caught up in an intricate web of lies...a web that is keeping him from his true goal...finding and killing Davaad.

As it turns out, Sinclair is in cahoots with.....and if you've ever seen a b-movie you've guessed by now....Trevor! Trevor didn't die in the explosion. He was working with Davaad for some reason. (there's a computer disc macguffin in this story that doesn't actually make a difference so I'm ignoring it) Part of the bad guy's plan is trying to convince Conners that Grayson has to be eliminated. Sinclair almost gets him to whack Grayson, but Conners finds a friend in Grayson and together they team up to stop Davaad and Trevor. Along the way to this path we get to see Sinclair nude a few times in a sex scene that is merely for padding. We also get to see Shalimar almost nude in a fountain. I just thought I'd mention that...seeing how they were nude and all...

As per the norm, Conners dispatches Davaad and then goes after his crooked ex-partner and snuffs him also. We also get the prerequisite battle between Shalimar and Sinclair. They have to fight! After all, they both screwed Conners and there can be only one!

In a better movie there would have been more insight given to Indian culture. To be honest the only reason I rented this movie was because it was in India. I just wanted to see some of  that interesting country. I'm glad I did. Shalimar is one of the prettiest women I've ever seen in a movie! I had a second reason for renting it too...I like Don "The Dragon" Wilson. Yeah, he's been in some crappy movies, but I think he's kind of cool. Evan Lurie was the evil Davaad, and Tane McClure was Callista Sinclair. Rick Hill played the character of Trevor and Michael Cavanaugh was Grayson. The beautiful Shalimar was Deepti Bhatnagar. Some guy named Mahadevan was officer Ravi.

Best Lines: "My left testicle feels like Jell-O."-  Ravi after Shalimar knees him in the joy department.


1.) Sinclair sounds about as British as my old drill instructor. She also is one of those people that hovers in the zone between being kinda good looking and kinda homely. She's neither and both at the same time. While she's not what I'd call ugly her face makes me think of "Horse Face Harry" from those old Quickdraw McGraw cartoons.

2.) Why does Ravi give Conners his gun? Conners says he needs it in his mission to get Davaad, but he's not even supposed to be in the country. Don't they have forensics in India? Ravi should realize that if Conners shoots somebody the firearm is going to be traced back to him. Its one thing to help Conners discreetly and another to put your career on the line....for a guy you just met.

3.) I'm getting tired of every cop or badass in b-movies explaining their prowess by a statement like "I was in the marines". ( Substitute "Army" in place of Marines in sometimes. If the badass hero has a skill with aircraft or water substitute "Air force" or "Navy") I guess its merely unthinkable that Conners could just be a really tough guy.

4.) Speaking of tough guys, Conners must be a real badass. He doesn't come close to losing any fight he's in except when he fights Davaad. Even against multiple opponents he whoops ass effectively. The part I love is watching Davaad pummel Conners in the face a million times and not leave nary a bruise. Not even a little "Captain Kirk" style blood trickle! A week ago the electricity went out here and I bumped into a door in the dark. Not very hard, but I did walk into it. I busted my lip. Thats why I'm amazed that Conners can get kicked in the face a dozen times and not get a scratch!

NUDITY AND SEX:  Sinclair has sex with Conners and Trevor.

HUH? : How did Shalimar know who Conners was and where he was staying? She watches him beat a few dudes up, runs away (by stealing Ravi's police car!) and magically reappears later, naked, in Conner's hotel room. She didn't even ask his name! How'd she know where he was staying? How was Conners staying anywhere? Ravi was taking him to the airport so doesn't that mean he checked out of his hotel? Its also fantastic how in the movies complete strangers can get into your hotel room by getting "the clerk to let them in"! Now, I wouldn't be too upset in finding a beautiful babe in my hotel bed, but I would have to talk to the hotel manager about letting people that I don't know in my room!

During the siege of Trevor's hideout, Grayson tells Shalimar to stay by the door to keep her out of danger. If he wanted her out of danger so badly why'd he bring her along? I don't care if she's a rebellious, headstrong person. Grayson could have just gotten two of his men to lock her in her room and not let her out until the whole thing is over. I would have if she was my daughter!

The sex scene between Trevor and Sinclair was pure Corman padding. Did we really need to see Sinclair nude again?

I have passwords up the yazoo. I have three different passwords to use at work....I have a password for my email at home. I have a password for my Yahoo! email account. I have a password that gives me access to this site. No one that knows me could possibly guess what they are by remembering something I said in the past. So why do movie bad guys like Trevor have passwords that their ex-partners can figure out easily? That password could be ANYTHING....but Trevor picks something that Conners has a reasonable chance of figuring out. I guess that's a good thing. If Trevor had decided to make the password something like "Syphilis" because he was thinking of an old High School sweetheart, Conners would never have gotten it and been blown up!

Why do movie heroes have to be such sentimental guys? Why do movie badguy henchpeople have a change of heart before they die? Sinclair is mortally wounded while trying to kill Shalimar. In her dying breath she tells Conners where to find Trevor. Conner's gently holds her hand as she expires and looks sort of sad that she dies. Hey, call me hard hearted, but she did try to kill him! I would've let out a Nelson Muntz (from the Simpsons) laugh. "HaHA! Say "hi" to Beelzebub for me, bitch!"

THE TALLY: This isn't a terribly original movie. We've seen it all before. But then how many movies are really all that original? Like most non-Hong Kong chop-sockey flicks, its fun to watch in a brain dead sort of way.

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