Supreme Sanction

THE STORY: Movies like this are hard-hard because while they may not be the best movie to watch and not very original, they're done well enough that its hard to pick the bones for the fleshy meat of stupidity that the demons of the Inferno feast upon. Still, I paid to rent it so I'm giving it a whirl. The demons do get kinda restless when they aren't fed.

Jenna is an assassin working for a shady government agency called Alpha Sector. Alpha Sector's main purpose is to fight terrorism by squashing terrorists abroad. But according to the script terrorism is on the wane so Alpha Sector has to find new threats in order to justify its existence.

Excuse me? Terrorism is on the wane? Since [unwrite]ing when? If its on the wane why am I required to walk patrols every so often to guard against it? When did this wane of terrorism come about? I don't get it. But that's what they say in the movie so I'll just roll along with it. Anyway, Jenna is assigned to kill Jordan McNamara, a TV reporter because he knows something about a helicopter crash or some [unwrite]. Basically the crash was caused by Alpha Sector. Alpha Sector is trying to show that the FBI can't handle domestic terrorism in hopes of gaining more support for themselves. To do this they've staged terrorist acts on US soil and even assassinated US soldiers and citizens. Jenna doesn't know all of this at first...she finds out when she begins protecting Jordan. You see, when Jenna was supposed to snuff him she couldn't. The man had his six year old daughter with him. (Awwwww)

The rest of the movie is fairly predictable. Dalton, Jenna's superior, is mad because she didn't shoot McNamara. He and his goons try to kill her and Jordan. Jenna has a friend, Marcus, who is a superduper cyberhacker/inventor. He helps them hide out and gives Jenna a pendant with a camera in it. This way he can see what the camera is pointed at.

I'm not going to go into a lot detail here...mainly because there were parts in the middle that I quite frankly didn't pay attention to. (I was eating and my microwaved Dim-Sum and it was better than the plot) Basically Jenna and her friends get the chief of Alpha Sector to admit his wrongdoings into the camera that of course Marcus has patched into Network TV. Two demerits if you've seen this movie and didn't see that coming.

As I said, this was hard. It wasn't good, but it wasn't THAT bad. It was just in the middle as far as cheesy movies go. Jenna was Kristy know the movie version of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Admittedly I have never seen that entire movie. It puts me to sleep every time. Dalton was Michael Madsen. Tiny "Zeus" Lister had a part as a chemist in this flick too.

Best Lines: "Trust work for an agency that lies as a matter of policy and I'm supposed to trust you?!"- McNamara loses his temper with Jenna.


1.) I don't understand why Alpha Sector would go such lengths to get more funding. First of all, why bother? The only people to lose any work are the guys that actually have to go kill terrorists. The higher up guys could probably land a number of government jobs since they obviously have experience in that sort of thing. [unwrite], George Bush ran the CIA and he got to be President!

2.) Kristy Swanson is easy on the eyes but can she act? I don't I said I fell asleep during BTVS. But she doesn't impress me in this flick. She never shows ANY emotion and it was annoying. Maybe assassins are this closed off in real life, but this is a movie, dammit! Give me something! I never cared what happened to her character because we never learn a damn thing about her.

3.) At one point Jenna does one of those "roll on the ground while you shoot" things like Mel Gibson in Lethal Weapon. Been there, done that. It was cool in Lethal Weapon just because it was the first time it was done to my knowledge. In this flick its just plain silly. Sillier because she's not even moving fast. Dalton...who has an UZI could have filled her full of holes!

4.) I've seen the movie "Point of No return" and I didn't really like it too much. I'm not saying it was bad, I was tired when I saw it. I mention it because Jenna gives an explanation of "She was recruited and had no choice" when McNamara asks how she got into this business. Kind of like PONR.  Only PONR had one thing going for it....Patricia Arquette showed a lot of her nice-ass legs in that movie! This flick tried to get by with Kristy Swanson's cleavage. While it wasn't a bad cleavage it wasn't spectacular and it wasn't enough. (I know, I know, I'm a caveman....)


HUH?:  McNamara is pretty ungrateful for a guy that got his ass saved by Jenna. After she rescues him he whines on and on about how she must be an awful person to be an assassin and so on. Maybe she is...but if a woman saved my life from a dozen guys with automatic weapons and she told me she was a government assassin but she wanted to help me I'd keep my mouth shut about any moral failings she might have.

At least Marcus...the token black character...didn't get killed.

Why is it that the good guys never really miss at all when the bad guys can throw a zillion rounds at them and never hit them?

THE TALLY: This flick only deserves one devil. not because it was really awful, but because there was absolutely nothing in it to make you really want to watch it. no really witty dialogue, no cool over the top was just there. Check it out only if you're really hard up for an action movie.

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