Showdown in Little Tokyo
THE STORY: Dolph Lundgren has been a lot of bad movies, but in this one...which I guess is trying to do the buddy-cop thing, he takes the cake.
Lundgren is Detective Kenner. He was raised in Japan and is all into Japanese culture. He even speaks Japanese...fluently. Of course this means he's a martial arts expert and considers himself to be a samurai. Better get your waders on, 'cuz the bull[unwrite] gets deeper than that...
Kenner is partnered with Johnny Murata. Murata's half Japanese but was raised in the US and doesn't know too much about Japanese culture. Well, he knows Karate, but that's about it. Of course he's not as tough or as good at martial arts as Kenner is, even though Murata is played by the late Brandon Lee, son of the late, great Bruce Lee. (who was Chinese, not Japanese, by the way) Kenner is after Yoshida, a Yakuza (Japanese Mafia) leader who is setting up shop in the US. Yoshida killed a girl and had the lack of brains to videotape it. He also raped the girl's friend, Minako, and Minako saw the video tape. Kenner has an additional axe to grind with Yoshida since Yoshida himself killed Kenner's parents in Japan. Kenner's father was an army MP,and no reason is given for this murder.
Well, to make a long story short, Kenner rescues Minako from Yoshida. Yoshida sends goons after them. Yoshida recaptures Minako and seemingly kills Kenner and Murata. They escape of course. Then we have the inevitable scene where Kenner is shown punching a bag, doing karate stuff, etc. Then Murata and Kenner go after Yoshida. they blow stuff up and kill all of Yoshida's men. Yep, all of them. Two guys against about thirty. Uh-huh.
Kenner and Yoshida face off in the street during a parade in Little Tokyo. Kenner of course wins. Yep. After all, no Japanese citizen could possibly be a better martial artist than some white guy that just happened to live in Japan when his family was stationed there. Uh-huh. The end.
As in most cheap action flicks, the cops never really arrive on time. Also, being cops you'd think Kenner and Murata would have a lot of backup when they bust in on Yoshida at the end. Well, not in the movies of course. If real cops were this tough there wouldn't be any crime, anywhere. Minako is played by Tia Carrere.Y'know, the babe from Wayne's World. Yoshida is played by Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa. He's been in a lot of things, his face is very familiar to me. I think he deserves better than this role.
Best Lines: "...and when we're done we're gonna go eat fish off of those naked chicks!"- Murata to Kenner, in a scene of 'male bonding'.
"Kenner, just in case we get killed I just wanted to to tell you, you have the biggest dick I've ever seen on a man!"- Murata to Kenner. Did Dolph Lundgren write this movie? I hope they paid Brandon Lee a buttload of cash just for saying that line. Yuck!
1.) This flick doesn't wait to make Dolph Lundgren into a superhuman guy. He leaps over a speeding car! Yes, that happens in this movie! Its almost but not quite as ridiculous as Van Damme's motorcycle-surfing scene in Hard Target.
2.) The physics of the Movie Universe are too blame for the misconception that a wooden table will stop rounds from a high powered automatic weapon! But Kenner does just that...hide behind a wooden table top and the bullets following the Newtonian physics of this impossible realm, do not hit him.
3.) OMIGOD! Is Dolph Lundgren the Incredible Hulk? He turns a freakin' car over! Not a small car either! Nope...uh-uh...I ain't buyin' it! My wife informs me that its not that unbelievable...that in The Strongest Man competitions they routinely turn cars over...well, maybe so but I still ain't buyin' it! this guy is a cop, a martial arts expert, a Japanese culture brainiac, he speaks Japanese and english fluently, he built a three bedroom Japanese style house AND he's one of the strongest guys on the [unwrite]in' planet? Lets not mention that Brandon Lee has to tell him he's got the biggest dick in the world. NO [unwrite]ING WAY! If he was Buckaroo Banzai, maybe, just maybe....but this movie...Bull[unwrite] times five!
4.) Recently Greywizard at the Unknown Movies asked about the capacity of the magazine in an M-16. This is because in most B-movies these rifles rarely run out of ammo (unless its in the script). Kenner has fired about two thousand rounds from an M-16, he hasn't reloaded and to be honest I don't see where he'd put extra mags in that silly suit he's wearing...but guess what? He doesn't run out of ammo. Man, this guy can do anything!
NUDITY AND SEX: Minako and Kenner have sex. I don't think its Tia Carrere's boobs we see though...because while Ms. Carrere is babe-a licious, the tits on the screen were huge!
HUH?: I saw this movie years ago and the one scene I remember is a guy being crushed in a car crusher. In that scene you can clearly see a dummy in the car. It was badly edited. Obviously someone caught on to it and they cut that part with the dummy out. Too bad. I was looking forward to it.
Yowza! I didn't know beer was flammable! A bad guy fall into a vat of beer and Murata ignites it with a lighter! This whole drug distribution in beer bottles seems kind of stupid. Didn't the FDA inspect any of this Red Dragon Beer? Plus, if Yoshida's such a bad ass Yakuza guy don't the authorities know he's in the country? If they did you'd think they'd be all over him.
Okay...Kenner hates Yoshida because Yoshida killed his parents when he was nine. Kenner's pop was an MP in the occupational forces he says. Occupational forces? Like WWII? Well, that would make Kenner somewhere around forty or fifty wouldn't it? Besides that, why did Yoshida kill Kenner's family? If the elder Kenner was an MP he'd have little to do with fighting the Yakuza...MP's don't go around fighting crime in foreign countries like regular cops. That's what the host nation's own police are for. I'm damn sure the MP's don't go around fighting the Yakuza in Japan.
For the final showdown, Kenner and Yoshida arm themselves with swords taken from samurai guys in a parade. Uh---those are real swords? I mean how smart is it to let people have a parade with really sharp swords. You have to have a permit to have a parade! (I guess its possible, but somehow it seems hokey to me)
THE TALLY: As far as action flick's go I'd have liked this more if Dolph Lundgren wasn't made out to be such a perfect hero in this one. He does some pretty unbelievable things. lifting a car, jumping over a car, being so damn tough...if he was strong enough to lift a car most of the guys he hit should have died instantly. They should have Put an "S" on his chest and let him fly. Geez. If not for the fact that this movie seemed to be an ego trip for Lundgren I'd give it three devils because it did have a lot of action. But it was kind of idiotic so it rates only two.