THE STORY:Before I begin I want to say two things. First, Robyn Harris is HOT! Second this movie is nothing but an excuse to get some well endowed women into negligees. Oh, and Robyn Harris is hot. Robyn, call me...please!

Oh and guys, this is the kind of movie where you need to call your buddies and get a 12 pack!

Theres these five sorority chicks, Linda (Robyn!), Kim, Janey, Jessica and Suzanne. They buy the old Hockstatter house to be their new sorority house. Only thing is the place has been on the market for 5 years. Clive Hockstatter brutally murdered his family there. His neighbor, Orville Ketchum tried to stop him but failed. The girls meet Ketchum and think he's creepy. But they have a lot of work to do since the place is in disrepair. Theres no electricity and no phone service hooked up yet. They decide to spend the night and begin working on the place in the morning. Detective Lt. Block and his partner Sgt. Shawley are on their way to the house but get cut off because a storm has washed out the bridge. Block was there when Hockstatter was killed and thinks there may be trouble in the house. He's right because the girls all dress in negligees and have a seance with a ouija board. It doesn't go well and they go to bed. But within an hour two of them turn up dead. Linda, Kim and Jessica are the only ones left and they think Ketchum is trying to kill them. Soon it becomes apparent that Jessica has been possessed by Hockstatter's spirit and she kills Kim and tries to kill Linda. Linda has to stab her friend, but Ketchum gets the blame for the murders....actually I could elaborate, but who cares? These chicks are hot! They're half naked through the entire film! A plot is superflous!


1.) No wonder Hockstatter's house has been on the market for five years! Its a dump! No one bothered to clean it up? how'd the realtors even sell the place!?

2.) Speaking of cleaning up the house, all of Hockstatter's tools and stuff are still in the basement? Don't the police take that stuff when a murder has been committed?

3.) This town must really be broke. Police detectives have to drive around in patrol cars and answer disturbance calls.

4.) Newsflash! Sorority chicks dress in negligees at a whim! Man, where were these chicks when I was in college! (this fact kept the movie going for me!) I really have a thing for Robyn.

5.) Aw, BOO! In the nudie bar scene there are stereotypicals arabs smoking a hookah and an italian guy in a mobster suit. They might as well had a black man with an afro and a boom box! Boo!

6.) Robyn Harris has the most magnificent pair of boobs I've ever seen.

NUDITY AND SEX: Look at the name of this film and tell me what you think.

HUH?: When Linda, Kim and Jessica think that the killer is in the house they run outside and plan on heading for the hills. Now, they have three long knives...but they see Ketchum across the street, surmise he is the killer, and run back inside. Are you girls nuts? There are three of you with knives and he's unarmed! Jessica is an Amazon! I think they should have gone for it.

When Ketchum gets in the house Linda beats the crap out of him! She stabs him and chokes him with a chain, leaving splatters of blood on her, um, chest. She finds the bathroom door all bashed in and suddenly her chest is soaked in blood. I gues it could have spread on her shirt, but thats a lot of blood and a lot of area to cover. (snicker)

THE TALLY: The only reason this movie was made was to get some playboy bunnies to show their goodies. I honestly didn't realize this until I actually got home. (I just saw the title on the box and figured it HAD to be cheesey) Well, its cheesey all right, with extra cheesecake. Being a guy, I have to give it at least a four devils. I'd give it five devils, but I don't want any ladies out there to think I'm a total bastard! (But guys, well, Robyn Harris is HOT!)

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