That's what I should be writing, but I'm not. This is a pilot for an 80's TV show (that I never heard of) masquerading as a movie! After a little research I found that the title of the show was T and T. This movie lacked any real action or interest. An average episode of the A Team is better viewing.

In a nutshell- Mister T is T.S. (Too Strong) Turner a private eye hired to find out who is the mastermind behind a street gang called the Future. He has the aid of his partner, Amy Taylor a beautiful lawyer, and Desmond, a reporter. There's also a mayoral election going on. Rev. Pierce, a pastor wants to be the city's first black mayor. The Future are white supremacists and T.S. manages to befriend one of their former members, Joey. Joey is taken in by Dr. Hammel, a philanthropist that runs a camp and a home for disadvantaged youths. In the long run T.S. discovers that Hammel is the mastermind behind the Future and his good deeds are just a front. He manages to arrive just in time to save Joey and kind of kill Hammel.

This was a disappointment but I should have known better. I expected it to be a crazy A-Team clone action movie, not a TV pilot. Its too bad, too. An 80's action flick with Mr. T as a private could be a real hoot!


1.) The very first scene with Mr. T made me laugh for no other reason than it was Mr. T.

2.) T.S. and his aunt offer to put their house up to bail out Joey? They just met him! No way!

3.) The second Hammel offered to bail out Joey I knew he was the bad guy.

4.) Amy and Desmond, a reporter break into an office to get evidence. Desmond says he's done this before, but he's not very good at it. He turns on several VERY LOUD answering machines alerting the security guard, then he lets the guard get a pretty good look at his face as they flee!

5.) Hammel has a secret training camp at his estate and the kids fire M-16's and automatic weapons there but no one knows about this? Everyone thinks its a retreat for disadvantaged kids? Where is this place? M-16's are pretty farking loud! The sound carries so unless its really far from any road someone would hear it!

6.) Ok, Hammel, the mastermind has Pierce killed so he can run for mayor in his place? Why would a mega rich guy like Hammel have to resort to murder and crime? He's popular! People think he's a philanthropist! He doesn't need to kill Pierce to run and probably win!

7.) Yeah, Hammel conveniently falls into a noose.


HUH?: Is Amy T.S.'s girlfriend? The aunt interrupts a romantic embrace between them. There's no way this lawyer would date Mister T! That's like Ally Mcbeal dating, well, Mister T!

Why would Hammel ask his flunky Walton if he wanted to open a briefcase and count his money when he's standing next to him? He rigged the briefcase to explode!

They crank up the 80's action music at the end of this flick.

THE TALLY: This made me wonder what the whole Mr. T hysteria was about in the 80's. I mean, he's no actor. Not really. Now I don't have anything against Mr. T. I kind of liked him...but think about this...Mr. T was the star of the A Team, he had a Saturday morning cartoon show, kids loved him and he even had a breakfast cereal! All this for a guy that went around saying "I pity da fool!" Interesting.

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