Tougher than Leather

THE STORY: My thanks to Greywizard at the Unknown movies for sending me this film! I've been looking for it for awhile and now that I have it, I'm eternally grateful to him. If you've never seen his sight you should click on the link and go there (after reading my review, that is!: ))

I hate to admit it. I'm getting old. I know I am because I know there are some people reading this and thinking "Who are Run-DMC?" Well, I'll tell ya. Back in the prehistoric past, while music was actually still being recorded on these big flat black things called records and rap music was pretty young there was a group called Run-DMC. Now I admit that Run-DMC was my favorite rap group. I no longer listen to rap, because the whole thing has become so sordid and violent and it no longer speaks to me....meaning that I'm no longer able to relate to it, (I never lived in the inner city or a ghetto, I don't call women bitches, I dislike wearing gold chains, etc.) at least not anymore. Back in the 80's though when I was a young man I loved it. I was even in a rap group for awhile. (Dr. Bang and the Funky Two). Rap grew from that one song by the Sugar Hill Gang ("Rapper's delight") into what it is now. I won't comment on whether its good or bad. I don't like country music but that doesn't make it bad.

Back to the movie. The rap group Run-DMC, consisting of Run, DMC and Jam Master Jay are going on tour. DMC has just been released from prison and they're throwing a party at Mrs. Walker's house. Why this party is at her place I don't know and the movie isn't going to tell you. Mrs. Walker has a son, called Runny Ray. Ray is a good kid, but he's slow, probably mildly retarded (but those words are never used). He can't keep a job, so Russell, (The groups manager and brother of Run in the movie and in real life) hires him. They just signed a deal to go on tour with STRUT, a promotions agency.

STRUT is run by Arthur a fat goofy guy. Arthur takes his orders from Vic, the son of a mobster. In reality STRUT is just a front to launder drug money. Vic has a few henchman, but the one you'll see most is Nate, the only black one.

While the group is on tour Vic learns that a guy in his organization, Jerry, has been stealing money. he kills Jerry but unfortunately Runny Ray witnesses the murder. Vic kills Runny Ray and plants drugs on him to make it look like a drug killing. Run-DMC decide to find out the truth. Surely their boy Runny Ray couldn't be a drug dealer.

I won't go through too many details, Its not worth the typing involved. Suffice it to say that Run-DMC get into several fights with various characters while searching for the truth. Run-DMC eventually find out what really happened. Unfortunately, Jam Master Jay is captured by Nate, but Run and DMC have Vic as a hostage. Nate arranges for them to swap their hostages, feeling that Vic and his mobster dad will be generously grateful. Run-DMC fight the bad guys in a warehouse while rescuing Jay. Even though they are outnumbered they emerge victorious. The group catches Arthur just before he makes off with Vic's ill-gotten gains and force him to go to the police and clear Runny Ray's name. The last sight we see is Run-DMC giving a concert.

When this flick first came out in theaters I went to see it with my buddy Sam. We decided to sneak 40 ounce beers and steak sandwiches into the theater and we went through great lengths to do so. We should not have bothered. We were the ONLY TWO people in the place! The usher ignored us as we ate our steak sandwiches and drank our 40's. I was suprised by the low turnout. Granted there aren't a lot of black people in my old home town...and that was the target audience for this movie....but still Run-DMC had made a better movie a few years earlier called "Krush Groove". Neither Krush Groove or Tougher than Leather are classics, but still. Krush Groove was decent...I was shocked to see how shoddy Tougher than Leather was in comparison. The plot is so thin, paper looks obese next to it. the acting is, well, bad. Not the worst I've seen but that's nothing to brag about. The only thing that makes this movie hold what little charm it has for me is the fact that I was a big Run-DMC fan and that I saw it in the 80's when it was current.

I can tell you now,that if you weren't alive then, or if you don't understand some of the slang from the 80's you'll most likely not enjoy this movie. Phrases like "Word!" and all may confuse you. They confuse me. I grew up then, but my mom was an English teacher. She never approved of slang. If you have a reason to want to revisit the 80's rap scene or you're just a fan of Run-DMC seek this out. all others should probably avoid it unless you get to see it for free.

Best Lines: "You dropped your [unwrite]...."-Run blows off a woman that tries to get his attention.

"Now if I was you I'd crawl up under the boxes and get my fingers fixed."-Run to the sleazy bartender after Jam Master Jay breaks a few of his fingers.

"I like you Jay...I'm gonna kill you, but I like you."-Nate after he captures Jam Master Jay and uses him for bait to lure in Run and DMC.

"Its empty, just like your future!"-My favorite line from this movie! my buddy Scott and I would say this every time we emptied a pitcher of beer at our old hangout the Deer Park Pub.

"Now get your fat, beggin' ass outta here!"

"and'd better watch your back...'cuz Run -DMC will always be there!"

"Believe that [unwrite]!"

"Word!" -The following lines are from Run-DMC as they force Arthur to admit to the police who really killed Runny Ray.


1.) Is it just me? am I too prudish? or does anyone else find the scene in the beginning with the Beastie boys in the restaurant a little disgusting? Its less than juvenile humor!

2.) There ain't no way the police could think that Runny Ray committed that murder! First off, its explained that he is mentally handicapped. That may be a plus or a minus when you try to sort it out. But then, if he has no history of drug abuse or drugs at all, the way that Vic placed the gun on him and the fact that the drugs were just sprinkled haphazardly over both bodies, you'd think the police would be able to figure out a third party had something to do with this! I know what the movie is trying to say...that the police figure Runny Ray must be guilty because he's a black man and works for a notorious Rap group. But even Scooby-Doo and the gang could figure from the clues Vic leaves that something is amiss.

3.) When the rednecks threaten Run-DMC I had to think...don't they see they're outnumbered? There's two rednecks and then there's Run-DMC (and since Jam Master Jay is part of Run-DMC that makes three people.) The redneck bartender is behind the bar and I considered him a non-combatant. Well, we all know what was bound to happen. Run-DMC comes into the redneck bar looking for Vic's henchman, Bernie. The bartender obviously hates black people and so do the two redneck customers. A fight has to happen. But would you mess with three guys dressed like Run-DMC are? Yeah, they're the good guys in all of this, but the clothes they were leaves a lot of room for concealed weapons and they do look like the kind of guys who can deliver a good ass-whooping. However in the end, this fight scene was anti-climatic. You know that Run-DMC is going to win because they're fighting against racists and its their movie. To be honest I was suprised that the movie took as long as it did to explore the white racist vs. black rappers angle. And I knew the first time I saw this there had to be a redneck bar scene in it!

4.) This movie has a mixed message. I think its trying to say "Look, not all Rappers are into drugs!" and that's a good thing. But then Run-DMC don't have a problem with KILLING a few guys and also having some sort of group sex with Charlotte. Hell, Run kills an unarmed Vic in cold blood.

5.) Speaking of having sex with Charlotte, UGH! There ain't no way that I want to go into a room and screw a chick that my buddy just got finished screwing.

NUDITY AND SEX: Charlotte, Vic's girlfriend is seen nude and has sex with Run-DMC.

HUH?: Um, excuse me...DMC got the weapons from his uncle that was in the RED BALL EXPRESS? That was [unwrite]ing WWII! Those weapons have to be older than sin! What makes them still work. (Movie universe magic). Where did they get the ammo? That's insane! Couldn't they have just said "I got these weapons from an uncle that owns a gun store."?

In the effort to look cool, Run-DMC don't have weapons ready or even look concerned when the big rescue/tradeoff for Jay comes. Even before that they seem pretty relaxed for people in their position. FUNK DAT! Nate could have caught or killed them all during the final battle. Run doesn't even have his weapon at the ready! DMC has his arms folded! Nate has twice as many men ready! How'd they lose?

THE TALLY: As I said above, if you don't like rap or Run-DMC avoid this movie. If you like rap, Run-DMC or cheap flicks seek it out. Its no classic but it may entertain you for a short while. The beginning is kind of slow, but it has a nolstalgic air to it, at least for someone with my age and background. If you can find it, you may want to check out the movie Krush Groove. It also features Run-DMC, but has a few other 80's rap groups and musicians in it, like The Fat Boys ("All you can Eat") and Shiela E! ("The Glamorous Life")

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