THE STORY: This movie is kind of like Maximum Overdrive, only much, much worse.

Basically for no good reason trucks come to life and terrorize a few people at a diner. Yeah, I could be more specific, but trust me its not worth it. The acting was lackluster, the story's been done before (and better I might add, not that Maximum Overdrive was a good movie either) and this movie was about as interesting to watch as paint drying.


1.) Hope, the heroine of this film goes through all of her lines as if she's on valium. Nothing makes this woman show any emotion! Not even trucks driving by themselves.

2.) There's some kind of toxic leak going on and the authorities send 2 people to clean it up. Right.

3.) No one even thinks about using Hope's cel phone to call the police after a driverless trucks runs her and her passengers off of the road then destroys her van.


HUH?: Why bother.

THE TALLY: I can only wonder what genius thought making a remake of Maximum Overdrive was a good idea? This movie blows. If you see a copy at your local video store rent it, then burn it.

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