Breaking News
Much like everyone else, I've been watching the news a lot. Whether you realize it or not, this is a big moment in history. The Operation: Iraqi Freedom campaign is the first completely televised war. Almost as soon as any action happens you can see it on TV. I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing, I just know that's the way it is right now.
One program I was watching (I can't remember which one) had a segment on the celebrities that were outspoken against the war. Susan Sarandon, Tim Robbins, Janine Garofolo, etc. Here's the thing that gets me....despite how you may personally feel about the war, who freakin cares what these people have to say? they're actors, not heads of state. Yet I see them on News programs talking to the hosts as if they actually have something to do with government.
I recall seeing Janine Garofolo saying "We're doomed if we do this!". Okay. Its definitely her right to say this. She has an opinion like everyone else. But what makes her opinion any better than Joe Schmuck down the street? Does she have some inside information that the rest of us aren't privy to? The same for Robbins and Sarandon. I just don't get why we're listening to a bunch of actors as if they have anything to do with the running of this or any other country. And not to pick on Garofolo, but a few years ago she was on Politically Incorrect and made a comment that boils down to "The American public are morons." I'm not paraphrasing and I can't remember what the subject was....but she did say it. I remember that because at that exact moment I thought to myself "What a bitch.". Not because of her opinion, but because of the sheer arrogance of her words. Well, perhaps she's right. After all, they're still putting her ass on TV. Hmph. We'll watch anything I guess.
Of course, this war features imbedded reporters. Some of them were actually in the front lines, like the late David Bloom. Actually, Bloom was probably the best of them all. I saw one reporter crawl up to a fighting position during a battle and ask the soldier there what was going on. Am I the only person that has a problem with that? I mean, this troop is in combat. Why are you sticking a mic in his face? This isn't a football game....its not a game at all! Then we have our old buddy Geraldo Rivera, drawing maps in the sand that give away the troops position. Ay yi yi, he's lucky those guys didn't beat his brains out right there.
A lot of people have speculated that the constant news coverage will show people the reality of war. I kind of hope so, because from what I see the media makes it look like a sporting event. Its not. There's a lot of brave men and women risking their lives over there and whether or not you agree with the reason, they're doing a dangerous and hard job. This is serious business folks, and I want them all to come home safe and in one piece. I just hope this doesn't turn future conflicts into some kind of TV ratings war.
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