Infernal Obscura
1. What does the "T" stand for in Captain James T. Kirk?
C. Tiberius
I think it was only mentioned once or twice on the show, but yes, the T is for Tiberius.
2. Which popular villain was first featured in Fantastic Four issue #50?
D. Galactus
The Devourer of worlds showed up on Earth in FF #50, after the Watcher warned the Fantastic Four that he was coming.
3. Who was the fourth and final Commander of Moon Base Alpha from TV's Space 1999?
C. Commander John Koenig
Koenig had just taken command of Moon Base alpha when the moon was blown out of orbit.
4. Which one of these superheroes suffers from alcoholism?
B. Iron Man
Iron Man's alter ego Tony Stark began drinking heavily, resulting in Iron Man becoming an ineffectual superhero. Stark got over his drinking, but still fights the urge to get snookered.
5. The old Saturday morning cartoon Super Friends introduced 3 minority superhero characters in order to be more Politically correct. Who were they?
A. Black Vulcan, Samurai and Apache Chief
These three heroes were created solely for the cartoon show.
6. Which live action Japanese Giant monster show featured villains that were talking apes from another planet?
D. Specter Man
Not too many people remember specter Man...if you got this one you must be real old school!
7. This supernatural Superhero is also known as the Spirit of Vengeance:
D. Ghost Rider
The fearsome Ghost Rider is driven by the urge to punish the guilty and avenge innocent blood.
8. This actor was known for his character on the original Star trek and a recurring character on Babylon Five.
A. Walter Koenig
Mr. Koenig played "Bester" a telepathic EVIL character from the psi-corps. He frequently caused trouble for the crew on Babylon Five.
9. This powerful bad guy not only wants to rule the world, but he also wants to free his mother's soul from the demon Mephisto.
C. Doctor Doom
Doctor Doom's mother was a gypsy sorceress. Doom desperately wants to free her soul from Hades and the evil Mephisto.
10. Dr. Who's Time Travel machine is called the TARDIS. What does TARDIS stand for?
B. Time And Relative Dimensions In Space
Hey, I didn't name it! But it is an original name.
11. Who was the first Black super hero to have his own comic book?
D. Luke Cage, Hero for Hire
Luke Cage was the first black hero to have his own magazine. It was later changed to the title "Luke Cage, Power Man" and later changed to "Power Man and Iron Fist".
12. What magic word did Billy Batson say to become Captain Marvel?
D. Shazam!
Shazam is also an acronym for the names of the Greek Gods that grant Batson the power to become Captain Marvel. I can't remember what they're names are exactly.
13. In the 1980's DC comics created this clone of Marvel's Punisher when District Attorney Adrian Chase donned a costume and set out to execute criminals the law couldn't touch. He was called:
A. The Vigilante
The Vigilante had a short run in his own magazine after first appearing in The Teen Titans. It wasn't very good.
14. Just as James Kirk wasn't the original TV captain of the Enterprise on the original Star Trek, Dr. McCoy wasn't the original ships surgeon. Who was the doctor in the pilot episode "The Cage"?
B. Dr. Boyce
Boyce was the ships doctor in the pilot along with Captain Christopher Pike and Majel Barret playing first officer, Number One! Spock was there also, as possibly the 3rd officer.
15. The Silver Surfer's home planet is:
C. Zenn-La
Norrin Radd sacrificed himself to become Galactus' herald if the Devourer of Worlds would spare his home planet Zenn-La. The Surfer betrayed Galactus later on in order to save the Earth.
16. Who is the Strongest One there is?
B. The Incredible Hulk
The Hulk is known for saying "Hulk is the Strongest One There is!". He probably is, too. He's never lost a fight with Thor, Herc or the Thing. At least none that I've seen.
17. In the cartoon show The Transformers, which one of the evil Decepticons was always trying to usurp control from Megatron?
D. Starscream
Starscream finally usurped Megatron in Transformers the Movie. But his victory was short-lived. Megatron became Galvatron and destroyed him.
18. Before Mary Jane Watson, Peter Parker, the Amazing Spider-Man had a love that was killed by the Green Goblin. Her name was
A. Gwen Stacy
Gwen Stacy was killed by the original Green Goblin. Spidey was really pissed off as you can imagine.
19. The cartoon show Thundercats had a villain who would summon the "ancient spirits of evil" to augment his powers. His name was
D. Mumm-Ra
Mumm-Ra used to call upon the Spirits of Evil to transform his decayed form into Mumm-Ra the Ever Living!
20. Much hoopla was made in the 1990's when Superman was killed by a super villain. Who killed him and how?
B. A monster called Doomsday pretty much beat Superman to death.
Doomsday and Superman finished each other off in a brutal fight. Supes came back to life somehow (you didn't think Superman would stay dead, did ya?) but I don't know how?
If you get half or more of these right, congratulations! you're officially a geek! Go back to the Questions.
Bonus 1.
The TV version of Highlander sometimes featured immortals that had nothing to do with Duncan McCleod. One of them was played by an actor/actress known for a popular character on Babylon Five. Who was the actor/ actress?
Claudia Christian, who was Commander Susan Ivanova on B5 played an immortal Bounty Hunter in an episode of Highlander.
Bonus 2.
Batman's sidekick Robin struck out on his own and changed his name and costume. What did he change his name to?
Robin changed his name to Nightwing.
Bonus 3.
Which evil space invader from a Japanese live action show from the 1960's had a ship that looked like a bats wing and was the arch enemy of the sentient robot Goldar?
The evil invader was Rodak from the show Space Giants.
Bonus 4.
What blind superhero gets around with his special "Radar Sense" and is soon to be featured in a movie starring (shudder) Ben Affleck?
Daredevil, the Man without Fear.
Bonus 5.
Which fictional country does Dr. Doom rule with an iron fist and what does he have in common with the invincible Iron Man?
Doom rules Latveria. Both he and Iron Man wear suits of powered armor.