
THE STORY: I'm not certain but I think this movie was made for TV. At any rate its about a den of rattlesnakes that go on a reign of terror after being awakened by developers during their hibernation period. Too be honest their reign of terror is more like a reign of annoyances because I can only think of one person that actually got killed in the movie.

The star of this movie is the stalwart William Katt. (TV's Greatest American Hero and the movie Piranha) Katt plays Paul Donahue. Paul is having a hard time getting his stepson, Adam to accept him into the family. Adam's a spoiled brat and if you guess that at the end of the movie Paul has to rescue him from the snakes thus forge a bond between them, you'd be right. To be honest the movie seems to be more about Paul's family problems then about rattlesnakes.

best lines: "Babies are like Instant coffee...easy to make and they'll both keep you up all night!"- Gayle Hendershott to Paul when she finds out his wife, Krista, is pregnant.


1.) Aw, man...the first person to die is Clint Howard! (From the movie Ice Cream Man) The snakes didn't really kill him either. He got bit then walked in front of a truck.

2.) Man, Bibi Besch looks old. Well, it has been almost twenty years since she played Dr. Carol Marcus in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan. Its good to see her again.

3.) Adam and his friend Ricky are fascinated easily. Watching the construction crew dynamite hills is a thrill to them. They think finding a dead snake is big deal. Man, get those kids a nintendo or a PC or something...

4.) Adam is a little asshole. I really want the snakes to kill him, but it doesn't happen.

5.) When the snake bites Murray Hendershott in his living room he says to Gayle ""Call for help!" before he passes out. She then yells out "Help." I cracked the [unwrite] up.

6.) This movie is pissing me off with the stupid close calls! How many times can one of the main characters come within inches of a rattlesnake and not get bitten? Its not suspenseful , its annoying!


HUH?: I learned a few things about rattlesnakes in this movie...first, if you get bitten by a rattlesnake its possible to function normally for about fifteen to twenty minutes. That may actually be true...I don't know. But it sure didn't help make this any scarier.

Flushing a snake in a toilet will make the toilet back up and piss the snake off. He'll come back with friends.

Snakes travel in large groups and are really stealthy. Rattlesnakes won't rattle until they've completely surrounded you.

Snakes can bend bars in aviaries and rat cages like Superman.

Snakes can climb ladders faster than humans.

The Tally: What a ripoff! The snakes reign of annoyances was pretty boring. Only one confirmed kill and that was Clint Howard! My advice is if you need a William Katt fix rent Piranha. At the very least it had nudity.

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