Jet Jaguar
I had another Infernal tirade on mind for this, but its been a long time since I updated this part of the Inferno and it occurred to me that its been months since I adopted Jet Jaguar....and a lot of folks have written to me about how cute he is. Well, I guess I can let you know how he's doing. (Actually, I haven't finished my other rant and I'm saving it anyway for the Inferno's upcoming Armed Forces Month)
Jet's doing fine. He wasn't doing so hot at first though. The other monsters,
''Stache and Banshee weren't real fond of him when they first arrived here. Every
night there was a cat fight. Since jet hadn't been fixed and the other two (who
are female) had, he was always trying to get laid and causing misery. I had to
draw the line when he began harassing my sweet little Banshee.
if you don't know, is my "baby". She's the smallest out of all three of them and
when we got her she was obviously the runt of the litter. Banshee is a spunky
little cat though. She won't take any garbage from 'Stache, but she was terrified
of Jet. (and no wonder! He's bigger than both of them, and he's not a year old
yet!). She wouldn't eat because she too frightened to go to the food bowl and
she lost a lot of weight. (Which, honestly she needed to, but that's not the
point.) I kept putting down in my schedule time to get Jet Jaguar to the vet but
my new job kept me way too busy. Finally I had to go away for two months for the
Army Recruiting Course and Mrs. Dante took him to the vet.
Did it make a difference? Well, kind of. Jet Jaguar doesn't go
on the prowl after the girls anymore. Actually, he didn't bother 'Stache too
much. She's the Queen of the house and gave him some lumps to prove it early
on, so she remains the Alpha Cat. And he kind of gets along with Banshee now.
when he approaches her its plain to see that he just wants to play. But Banshee
doesn't like him very much and hisses and swats him if he gets to close. Luckily
for ol' JJ, 'Stache is willing to have a rousing
game of "Chase me through the house" with him. (I am so glad I'm rarely home
when they do this....they make the darndest racket.) Banshee never really liked
the "Chase Me" game. She prefers to jump after a string I dangle for her or lay
on her back for Belly wubs...I mean rubs.
So, yes, Jet Jaguar is doing fine. He still likes to sometimes dash outside when the door is open, but he's gotten to the point now where he comes back in a few minutes. (those 3 squares a day got him hooked) Being a kitten still he can be unintentionally destructive, trying to climb the curtains or knocking over my books on the shelf, but hey, I can deal with that. The only bad thing I can say is that he's realized that I'm the first person out of bed in the morning so like ''Stache he waits at Zero-Dark-Thirty for me to wander into the hallway to demand food. Wait, he doesn't really hang out there....what he does is jump on the bed and swat at my feet until I wake up. (and until I realized it he was going into my closet and trying to climb onto my dress blues!)
He'll mellow with age. Only problem...he's gonna be huge.
Read the almost last Infernal Rant